Sunday, June 5, 2011

actual size ruler inches

    actual size ruler inches. ONLINE RULER CM ACTUAL SIZE

  • 3D-Troll
    Jun 10, 11:31 AM
    I got a Nexus One on T-Mobile. My bill with 500 minutes (free nights and weekends) unlimited text, data plus taxes and fees comes to $65. Compare this to an AT&T plan and you pay more for just phone (less minutes). I would switch to the iPhone as soon I as can have it on my plan.


    actual size ruler inches. Inches+ruler+actual+size+
  • Inches+ruler+actual+size+

  • SuperCachetes
    Apr 8, 11:07 AM
    These greedy right-wingers refusing to cut the corporate handouts and raise taxes are going to force financial hardship on hundreds of thousands of people if there's a shut-down. They need to put their zealotry aside for a moment, and realize that the revenue has to be fixed. now. $Trillions in debt? And they want to spend more on bull #$%& missiles and planes? Talk about clueless. When you're this far in debt, you can't afford to flush more money down the toilet on controversial programs like defense, etc.

    Fixed that for you. Because it, you know, goes both ways n' stuff. :rolleyes:

    actual size ruler inches. Inches+ruler+actual+size
  • Inches+ruler+actual+size

  • maflynn
    May 5, 05:28 PM
    I like how Microsoft thinks the 11" MacBook Air is a netbook ;)

    They're not the only ones ;)

    actual size ruler inches. ONLINE RULER 12 INCHES ACTUAL

  • Icaras
    Mar 17, 03:38 PM
    I'm a huge Nintendo fan but I'll be skipping out on the launch of the 3DS.

    As mentioned on this thread, I do agree the launch titles suck.

    Next gen pricing also sucks. I'm not going to dish out $250 for a handheld system, sorry. Same thing with software pricing.

    I'm sure the 3D effect is awesome, but for some games, like SFIV and Rayman, I'd rather have these on my iPhone for the price of 0.99 to 4.99, despite weaker graphics and lack of 3D. An increase of 800 to 4000% pricing is just ridiculous to me. Plus, i'd rather have games digitally than worry about carrying, storing, (and possibly losing) game cards.


    actual size ruler inches. ruler dec Real size
  • ruler dec Real size

  • str1f3
    Dec 27, 09:22 PM
    Why is that not unrealistic? NYC has 8.3 million people as of 2008. Even if 99,999 people had their identities stolen for iPhones, that's only 1.2% of the population. Consider that as of 4.6% of the population were victims of ID fraud according to the Federal Trade Commission.

    I think it would take less than 99,999 cases in a concentrated area for AT&T to consider potential fraud a problem. Even 50,000 iPhones and accounts lost due to fraud would cause about $15 million in losses, assuming an average $300 subsidy per iPhone.

    Also: it's not just ID theft that could be the issue here. there are other ways to scam iPhones off AT&T and resell them.

    Hold on. ID theft is not nearly as commonplace as 1.2% in NYC and it wouldn't mean that half of them would get iPhones. Operations that large have IDs from all across the country, if not the world. It is rather strange that AT&T's timing is right during the holiday season when a huge amount of people would be purchasing an iPhone and it is not like these thieves would be waiting til the holidays to use this info. You would have to believe that AT&T is willing to lose all the online sales from the iPhone on Christmas to stop some thieves.

    actual size ruler inches. ruler mm actual size;
  • ruler mm actual size;

  • QCassidy352
    Sep 17, 12:04 PM
    Sorry dude, all the lights are red at this intersection.

    Sadly, I agree. There are other possible explanations, but I'm afraid occam's razor ( applies here. ;)


    actual size ruler inches. lt;bgt;actual size rulerlt;gt; paper
  • lt;bgt;actual size rulerlt;gt; paper

  • random47
    Mar 17, 02:18 AM
    9$ usd a gallon here. and thats for regular.

    actual size ruler inches. actual size ruler inches
  • actual size ruler inches

  • JackAxe
    Apr 5, 02:56 PM
    Somehow I was expecting to see a lot more praise and excitement for the 3DS after it launched....

    The 3D effect seems to trigger mixed reactions. Other than that...there really doesn't seem to be anything truly exciting about it? I don't see any "wow, those graphics!!" or "holy cow, this thing is fast/powerful" type comments.

    The general vibe I am getting from here and other places is more like "pretty neat", rather than "wow, so awesome". :confused:

    I bought my 3DS for Zelda, so as it's not out yet. It's just what it is.

    The original DS wasn't exactly a WOW factor at launch and for many -- especially the press -- it was considered a complete joke as they praised the PSP. Its launch line up was worse than the 3DS, but years later its games and sales speak for itself.

    Anyways, the 3DS just needs titles. It's a solid portable gaming system with no shortage of GREAT DS games to play on it until 3DS titles start to role in.


    actual size ruler inches. inch ruler mm actual size
  • inch ruler mm actual size

  • Bennieboy�
    Apr 21, 03:22 AM
    ok in the last 2 days, my ps3 has folded 9 WU's in the same time my G5 has managed 68% on it's first WU :O the G5 is being turned off for now lol will resume main machine folding when i get my mac pro

    actual size ruler inches. Online Ruler Actual Size Cm
  • Online Ruler Actual Size Cm

  • rasmasyean
    May 2, 11:03 AM
    Now that OBL is out of the picture, what do you think will happen?
    Maybe more "peace lovers" will demand to bring troops home?
    Will the US work real hard to find another "prime evil target" to keep the "war mongers" interested?
    Maybe Pakistanis will think we now really have little reason to keep bombing them and begin an uprising?
    Will we shift focus to Iran?
    Detailed analyses and conspiracy theories welcome!

    Discuss... :)


    actual size ruler inches. ruler life+size+ruler+cm
  • ruler life+size+ruler+cm

  • MacRS4
    May 2, 06:16 PM
    Well, for what it's worth, my white iPhone 4 fits the Mophie battery pack exactly the same as my black one does. Can't see any difference either. Well, except one is white.

    actual size ruler inches. One+foot+ruler+actual+size
  • One+foot+ruler+actual+size

  • devilot
    Sep 17, 10:49 AM
    She might have had a really boring work day and you were a fun and cheery face/voice... and just said a friendly 'heya' after her shift...

    But when you show up two more times and you seem to express interest-- that is borderline creepy. Think about it, what if she thought you were trying to hook up w/ her after her shift?


    actual size ruler inches. ruler is not actual size 6 inches
  • ruler is not actual size 6 inches

  • Andrmgic
    Apr 16, 06:13 PM
    They should post a policy and ****ing stick to it, no special cases or exceptions.. NONE of this "because we felt like it" ********.

    They need to post EVERY SINGLE REQUIREMENT in plain language and say explicitly which of the published policies the app did not meet and give an explanation as to why.

    This kind of stuff is nothing but bad press for them, especially with all of the public backpedaling they've been doing when they reject someone with the attention of the media.

    Also, They should not be able to deny developers access to certain APIs in order to keep their own products more competitive. (pinch to expand for that photo app that got rejected, in-app brightness control, etc.)

    If Apple can't compete on their own programming and design merits, then they shouldn't be releasing applications in the store.

    actual size ruler inches. -inch ruler km m m Inches,
  • -inch ruler km m m Inches,

  • reebzor
    Jun 21, 01:50 PM
    With regard to booting:
    I think a lot of people in here are also looking over the fact that the card reader is on the USB bus. Meaning the speeds you'd be limited to would be that of USB 2.0. Internal 5400rpm boot drive would still be faster.


    actual size ruler inches. Inch Ruler Picture Actual Size
  • Inch Ruler Picture Actual Size

  • itcheroni
    Apr 4, 04:38 PM
    Itcheroni's post used the same argument form as many democrats have used when defending President Obama. I found that ironic, so I threw it out there. Admittedly, it was a bit off topic, but considering the big picture on taxes and spending and how bad things could have gotten involves national politics, I didn't think it was so far off to derail the thread.

    As an aside, who do you think advocates for lower taxes, the Austrian economic fallacy, and the theory that spending cuts alone will fix all our problems? Is it really possible to debate this without acknowledging who we are talking about?

    I'd be happy to stand up and praise anything related to the Republicans. It's depressing to not have much to cheer about. Where are all the reasonable Republicans I knew and respected? Why aren't they the ones standing up to this? They used to.

    mcrain, we're going to constantly run into this same discussion until you realize that I have never voted for or supported a single Republican in my life. If you search my postings pre-2008, try to find a post where I wasn't criticizing Bush. It's a bit unfair to force someone who criticizes Obama to defend Bush, especially when my opinion is that they are both horrible Presidents.

    And I tried to state earlier this earlier, but I will say it explicitly. There are only 2 Republicans who understand Austrian economics and they are the Pauls. Other Republicans believe in other theories. For an example of how different these theories can be, go on youtube and find a debate between Laffer and Schiff.

    By the way, what is the Austrian economics fallacy? Business cycles?

    We should talk.

    I've traveled a lot and I'm hoping to do more once my son is a bit older.

    Feel free to PM me.

    actual size ruler inches. /metric-ruler-actual-size-
  • /metric-ruler-actual-size-

  • CanadaRAM
    Sep 17, 04:59 PM
    I still don't get how everyone is saying that a glance of eye-contact is "expressing interest", it happens all the time in a lot of different places, one can hardly help it. merchandise or something....this is getting difficult, all just to shop

    Based on results Bro' -- whatever it was that she thinks you communicated to her during that 2 seconds caused her to make herself scarce from your vicinity (and you stuck around a while to see if it wasn't just she went back to bring some stock out, right? Face it - you WERE interested.)


    actual size ruler inches. ruler actual size cm
  • ruler actual size cm

  • gammamonk
    Nov 11, 10:00 PM
    どうもマックです。   - Nice to meet you, I'm a Mac.

    こんにちはパソコンです。 - Hi, I'm a PC.

    っオ、iPod、何聴いてる  - Oh, an iPod, what are you listening to?

    Eurobeat. - Eurobeat.

    Eurobeat? - Eurobeat?

    いいですよねiPod. iTunesは使いやすいし、Podcastも楽しみだし。 - iPods are great. iTunes is easy to use, and I can look forward to my Podcasts.

    マックなら、iPodと同じぐらい簡単に写真やムービを楽しめる。iLifeが付いてるよ。 - You know, for a mac, we enjoy things with pictures and movies just as easily as using an iPod. I come with iLife.

    へ〜iLife。私もクールなソフトが色々付いてますよ。 - Oh, iLife? I also come with all kinds of cool software.

    オ〜例えば。  - Oh, for example?

    計算器。    - Calculator.

    後は?     - What else?

    時計。 - Clock.

    actual size ruler inches. inches ruler actual size
  • inches ruler actual size

  • daneoni
    Jan 6, 05:00 PM
    Yay another push app to drain that 1200mAh

    actual size ruler inches. -12-inch-ruler-actual-size
  • -12-inch-ruler-actual-size

  • CalBoy
    Apr 23, 01:08 AM
    Trump has a great mind when it comes to Business, so he really should leave it at that.

    It's even doubtful that Trump has a "great" business mind. He essentially stepped into his father's already immense real estate business, and has a lot of outstanding liabilities, not to mention many businesses that have filed for bankruptcy.

    The only skill Trump really has is to sell himself to anyone gullible enough to listen.

    As for the OP's question, Trump is not a viable candidate, and the GOP is aware of this. If Trump does somehow win the nomination (which I doubt), it would make Obama's reelection campaign a breeze. Candidates like Trump and Palin are too cartoonish to be taken seriously by the 1/3 of American voters that are not registered with a party.

    Mar 26, 08:26 AM
    "Invading countries for Oil - there's an app for that!" ;)

    Seriously though you folks may want to have a look at this:

    IIRC there's a bit where a soldier gets his phone out to control it.

    Apr 15, 03:07 AM
    Statistically African American youth are far more likely but it would be wrong to discriminate right?Far more likely to do what? Statistically, a middle-aged white man is far more likely to be a member of the KKK than an African American youth. So what?

    Jan 7, 03:19 PM
    What are people mainly using the Push for? I certainly wouldn't want to be updated every time one of my friends posts on Facebook... I know there are different settings - just wondering what kind of updates people use this for.

    May 3, 10:17 PM
    For the first time, pretty much ever, I am genuinely disappointed in my nation.

    You have no idea how much you're about to be disappointed.

    I challenge both points, pedantically and pragmatically. Canada is no more a "democracy" than the US, though perhaps slightly less messed up. If it was, you would not be able to brazenly put forth the second assertion. In a real democracy, there are no winners. Debate results in compromise. Compromise leaves everyone disappointed but (usually) sanguine, because those other guys are also comparably disappointed.

    The idea that we should have winners and losers is one of the biggest problems facing the US political system. The rollercoaster ride has been pushing the whole country apart from the inside. Failure is inevitable.

    Yep- because any government should exist to benefit all it's people, not just one group over another. Sad to see this sickness infesting Canada too.

    Nov 12, 11:04 AM
    どうもマックです。   - Nice to meet you, I'm a Mac.

    今日はパソコンです。 - Hi, I'm a PC.

    っオ、iPod、何聞いてる  - Oh, an iPod, what are you listening to?

    Eurobeat. - Eurobeat.

    Eurobeat? - Eurobeat?

    いいですよねiPod. iTunesは使いやすいし、Podcastも楽しみだし。 - iPods are great. iTunes is easy to use, and I can look forward to my Podcasts.

    マックなら、iPodと同じぐらい簡単に写真やムービを楽しめる。iLifeが付いてるよ。 - You know, for a mac, we enjoy things with pictures and movies just as easily as using an iPod. I come with iLife.

    へ〜iLife。私もクールなソフトが色々付いてますよ。 - Oh, iLife? I also come with all kinds of cool software.

    オ〜例えば。  - Oh, for example?

    計算器。    - Calculator.

    後は?     - What else?

    時計。 - Clock.

    今日はパソコンです doesn't make much sense, sure that is what he said? kyo ha pasokon desu? hmmm...

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